Evaluation of Small Sized Watermelon Varieties for the Bhutanese Market

Pema Yangdon, Sonam Tashi, Thinley Wangdi, Tshering Yangchen, Lungki,  Thinley Gyeltshen, Dechen Zangmo, Tshering Tobgay


Watermelon is one of the important emerging cash crops in Bhutan contributing to the generation of farmer’s income. However, a major challenge in watermelon farming in Bhutan is the lack of varieties with fruit sizes preferable to the consumers. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate new hybrid watermelon varieties with smaller sized fruits for commercial cultivation in Bhutan. This study was conducted in four different locations in three research centres (ARDC Wengkhar, ARDC Bajo and ARDC Samteling). Six hybrid varieties namely, PPS 142, PPS 304, PPS 313, PPS 315, PPS 317 and Sugar Baby (check) were evaluated with two replications following completely randomized design. Fruit weight, diameter, height, Total Soluble Solids (TSS), fruit colour, flesh colour and yield per plot were recorded from the sample fruits. In addition, market and consumer preference surveys were conducted involving 11 vendors and 20 consumers in Mongar to evaluate the acceptability of varieties by vendors and consumers. The results showed that there was no significant difference in fruit weight, TSS, crop duration and yield among the six varieties. However, significant location-based variation was observed in the fruit weight and yield. All the varieties fell within the medium- sized category, commonly referred to as the “icebox” type in Lingmethang, Bajo and Panbang while it fell under “personal” type in Samtenling. The consumer and market preference survey indicated a preference for medium-sized, round fruits with a dark green colour, which aligns with the characteristics observed in the evaluated varieties. This result of this study provides varietal choices to farmers to produce and market suitable varieties and for consumers to obtain optimum fruit size varieties for consumption.

Keywords: Watermelon; Weight; TSS; Yield; Consumer preference

Click here to download- BJA Volume 7 issue I_article 8